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DEA suggests 2nd comment period for post-PHE online Rx registration

By | September 26, 2023 |

At the Drug Enforcement Agency Drug Diversion Division listening sessions earlier this month, DEA Administrator Anne Milgram said the agency would hold a second comment period on its March NPRM in the months ahead.


The Drug Diversion Division said it was conducting public listening sessions to get input on prescribing controlled substances on telemedicine platforms and to learn about the types of data and its accessibility for use in detecting unlawful drug diversion. The agency invited those interested in presenting to reach out with information about potential safeguards.

At the outset, Milgram highlighted the sessions' mission to find a path forward and said, "We will also have another comment period this fall for written comments before any telemedicine regulations are finalized."

The sessions were highly curated with Deputy Assistant Administrator Matthew Strait moderating. He said in the "run of show" on day two that the DEA chose 30 presentations per day from the more than 1,000 inquiries. Each presenter – about half virtual each day – would have 10 minutes each and Milgram and Deputy Assistant Administrator Tom Prevoznik could ask questions...
